Why pupils need good attendance

Attendance is a learnt behaviour. Those pupils with a poor attendance history in Primary School generally repeat that behaviour in Secondary School - at best. In many cases it unfortunately becomes worse.

The vast majority of children significantly harm their chances of achieving their potential if their attendance falls below 95%. This equates to missing 10 days per year.

Research has shown that a child with regular 95% attendance has twice the chance of gaining higher grades in later education than those students of a comparable intelligence who have a regular attendance of just 85%.

Frequent Absences

If your child does not attend school regularly this is what happens:

  • they don't know the work
  • they will get left behind in their learning
  • they begin to feel left out
  • they may have to rebuild friendship groups
  • they begin to lose confidence in learning

How does Ashurst Wood promote good attendance?

Each term, the year group with the best attendance recieves a reward such as a non-uniform day.

The school's attendance figure is published regularly so that parents can see how well we are doing. 

Children falling below 95% attendance will be noted by the office and monitored carefully. In some circumstances with low attendance we will invite parents to discuss the matter in school.

Applications for Authorised Absence

Authorised absence will only be granted in exceptional circumstances and the office must be emailed with a reason for the absence.

Penalties for Unauthorised Absence (introduced by West Sussex)

West Sussex uses Fixed Penalty Notices fines. They are issued by the Local Authority for unauthorised absence. Fixed Penalty Notices may be issued when;

A pupil has unauthorised absence for over 10 school sessions (one school session equates to one morning or one afternoon) in any 10 week period

Persistent late arrival at school after the register closes (8.50 am)

For an unauthorised holiday (for more than 5 days).

For any of the above circumstances a formal warning will be issued in writing. Following this warning parents/carers will be given the opportunity to work with the School to improve attendance. However if the pupil's attendance does not improve a fine will be issued. Fines are:

  • £60 per parent per child if paid within 21 days
  • £120 per parent per child if paid after 21 days but before 28 days. 

(This does mean each parent in a two parent family).

If you would like more detailed information please use the link below or ask in the office.

These measures are put in place by West Sussex in the best interests of the children. There are many advantages to good attendance and we endeavour to share them with parents – a page is dedicated to attendance in our prospectus and we have a detailed attendance policy which can be found below (or you can ask for a copy in the school office.)

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask Mrs Hobby or one of our parent governors who can regularly be found on the playground.

Attendance Information


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